


have u ever think about what's the LIFE to u?
have u ever think of how close it is to u?
have u ever think that LIFE is really SOMETHING to u?
have u ever think.....


i know the word of suicide.
i do really know what does it mean and how sad it is to ppl.
but it always seems to be far from me.


this is the first time that i feel the word is so close to me in my life.
not from me or my related, is from my friend.

how a wonderful and cute, pure girl she is.

HUMAN is an amazing being, so strong, grateful and powerful.
however, most of us always forgot what we r.
no matter how strong u r or how much more power we do have,
we r still flash and blood!!
so....guys, what kind of pressure u think u r able to take?
don't think that "U COULD TAKE IT" every time.

yes, LIFE is amazing and powerful to suffer.
but the body is weakness after all.
ppl should take care of urself more and more.
don't ignore those sign in ur life or mind.

think of how's the LIFE meaning to u.
think of how wonderful it brought to u.
think of how precious it is to u.

LIFE is strong but sesitive at the same time.
IT can get stadier and stonger through building carefully,
 but also, IT may be took by anything u never pay attention.
